We are currently in: Development.
We are a full-service clinic and repository for imaging data about your body. We take a full body scan and convert the individual parts into printable files. We are starting with bones, but hope to move on to other organs as soon as possible. We have plans to allow you to mail in dvds or transmit MRI data from other scans already taken as an interim service while we work on opening facilities of our own. We expect that to open to the public in the near future.
As an example of the process, when you come into our clinic, we scan you with our MRI, and our special software maps out your bones in great resolution. These bones can either be pre-printed for you, printed on demand, or, we can provide the printing files to your preferred hospital through our secure API, or web portal. This data allows for bones that have been severely damaged to be replaced quickly and accurately. This can also help with reconstructive surgery as facial bone structure can quickly be replaced by pre-injury scanned material. Please note, FDA approval for placing our printed bones in someone has not yet been obtained, but we hope to gain that approval in the future.
Our staff consists of fine engineers from some fantastic startups and unicorns.
While we are currently not open to the public, we do have a waiting list. If you would like to be notified of our progress, please sign up and we will send you the occasional update. We will not sell your data.
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